Alumni High School Participants

“He’s changed my perspective on a lot of things and opened my eyes to how good a relationship can be.” - Carly Mutschler, ’15 Blue Cheerleader on her Buddy Zeke

“I was able to use my talents and abilities to improve the lives of others by representing my school, family, and community while gaining new friendships along the way of the Hand in Hand program and journey.” Andrew McKenzie, ’24 Blue Football Player

“My buddy taught me so much more about life!” Anonymous


When we asked Matt what he thinks about Ashley, a big grin evolved and he very honestly and innocently said, “She gave me my heart!” Matt very willingly shared his thoughts about Ashley. - Matthew Beck on Ashley Grant, ’11, ’12 Ambassador, former DFRC Blue-Gold Ambassador Coordinator

“Often, we come into the program expecting to help our buddies, when, in fact, we find our buddies showing us the truly important things in life...a desire to be respected, have fun and friends, and be involved in the community. No matter when or how it happens, our buddies teach us genuine, unconditional love!” Barbara Spence, DFRC Hand-in-Hand Committee Chairperson

Buddy Parents

“Ashley started with DFRC in 2003 at the age of eight. We thought we were signing her up for the program— little did we know the wonderful impact this would have on our family on so many levels. Our family has met friends for life; Ashley has built social skills, found comfort with her peers, and has built friendships that will last a lifetime” - Linda Webb, mom to Ashley, alumni Hand-in-Hand Buddy

“When you have a child with special needs, all you want is for your child to experience opportunities that all children have. This program makes my son feel whole, comfortable with his peers and he has developed friendships that will last a lifetime.” Alaine Grunow, mom to Drew, alumni Hand-in-Hand Buddy

Submit your Hand-in-Hand story here!