High school participants in the DFRC Blue-Gold All★Star Football Program are selected by leadership within their schools and must pass a character verification process, being signed off by their school principal and at least one other member of their school faculty or staff.
These students are selected from across the state of Delaware to represent their schools as football players, cheerleaders, band members, or student ambassadors.

Football Players
Football players in the DFRC Blue-Gold All★Star Football Game are nominated by their high school football coaches in their senior year. Team members are selected by the DFRC coaching staff for the Blue and Gold Teams. At least one football player from each high school program in the state that sends nominees is selected to represent their school on either the Blue or Gold team.
The DFRC Blue-Gold football coaching staff is different each year and determined at the end of the regular high school football season by the Delaware Interscholastic Football Coaches Association (DIFCA).

DFRC Blue-Gold All★Star Cheerleaders are nominated by their high school cheerleading coaches in their senior year. Cheerleaders must be signed off on by their school coach and the school principal.

DFRC Blue-Gold All★Star Ambassadors are students in their junior and senior years who represent their schools and help to spread the DFRC Blue-Gold mission throughout their schools and communities.

Band Members
All high school band musicians and band fronts in grades 9 – 12 are encouraged to participate in the Blue-Gold All*Star Football Marching Band. Band members must have the recommendation of their band director/music department chair and school principal. There is no limit to the number of band members who may participate. A student’s school does not need to have a football team or a regular marching band in order for students to participate.
Junior and Senior band members are also encouraged to participate in the Hand-in- Hand Program where they will be matched with a child or young adult with an intellectual disABILITY.